Discover the Value of Your Treasures
Jewelry Appraisals & Gemological Services
L.P. Coogan Appraisals has the specialized knowledge and expertise to appraise your fine jewelry, including diamonds, gemstones, gold, fine timepieces including Rolex watches, and any other special pieces you own.
Insurance Appraisals
Fair Market Value Appraisals
Marketable Cash Value Appraisals
Consultations for Large-quantity Collections
Internet or Private Party Consultations
Brokering Services
Mobile Appraisal Services Available

Reasons to Obtain a Professional Appraisal
An accurate appraisal helps determine the replacement cost of the jewelry in case of loss, theft, or damage, ensuring you have adequate insurance coverage.
Legal Matters
Appraisals may be required for legal matters such as divorce settlements, estate distributions, or tax assessments.
Estate Planning
Jewelry appraisals assist in estate planning by providing an inventory of valuable assets for inheritance purposes.
Selling or Resale
Knowing the true value of jewelry is essential when selling or considering resale, ensuring fair pricing and negotiations.
Personal Knowledge
Understanding the value of your jewelry allows you to appreciate and enjoy your collection more fully.
An Expert and Trusted Appraiser
With over three decades of experience, Lori has the mastery and insight you can trust to appraise your fine jewelry and gems.